Sunday, April 26, 2009


In his high chair, ready to feed himself!

Bath Time! Clark loves bubbles!

Clark's first meal--Sweet Potatoes

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Blogging Lag!

I had great intentions in setting up this blog... I've been such a slacker! Clark is getting so big... Big things have been happening for all of us too.
Clark has TEETH! Two of them to be exact. Teething was tough, and we are glad to be done with the drool for at least the time being. Teething biscuits surely make the teething process worth it though... At least that is what Clark tells me.

We finalized Clark's adoption on April 3! He is now officially a member of our family. He cried when the judge announced his new name... He fits right in!

Clark's baptism is coming up on Mother's Day. We are hoping that he can wear David's old gown, but he may outgrow it before the big day. He is growing like a weed!

We started solid foods and he eats everything in sight! His favorites are carrots, green peas, and apples. He loves his high chair and he is even trying to feed himself. My baby is really growing up TOO fast!